Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where does food go after going through the in-sink garbage disposal?

Where does food go after going through the in-sink garbage disposal? Where does that dangerous black hole lead to and what happens to the grind up food?|||waste treatment plant,unless you have septic tank,then it goes there.|||It goes down the drain with the rest of the water etc.

Just a helpful note to keep your disposal clean and working properly once a week put in a hand full of ice cubes and grind them before you turn on the water this actually keeps the blades sharp and clean also remember when using the disposal run plenty of water to get the food stuff all the way out the drain this will prevent most problems people have with this.I have had them all my life and never had a plugged drain yet.|||the food goes down the drain and goes to the sewer|||It goes to the sewer. Then the sewer water is piped to a water treatment plant where it is treated with chlorine and other chemicals to purify then the water is emptied a river or lake.|||Sometimes in reastraunts they have to have a grease trap to keep all of the grease out of the sanitary waste system that goes down the disposer. A grease trap is a concrete box in the ground that slowes the water down with baffles so the grease can float on top, and the water goes through. Possibly the smelliest substance on earth is the rotting grease in a grease trap on a hot day, you could not pay me enough to pump it out. In most houses it goes right out where all the other waste goes. At the municiple treatment plant, all the grease in the system really gums up the works.|||Most of the ground up food sticks to the inside of your drain pipes.....builds up over time until it completely plugs the pipes and you have to have the drain snaked out. Plumbers love you guys.

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