Saturday, October 1, 2011

How much food does the average basset hound and English Mastiff eat a day?

I am thinking about buying one or the other and i was wondering what bill i should be prepared for food wise. I have heard the basset eatts like a horse and that the mastiff eats less. I like the mastiffs size but i just like the look of a basset. It isnt that i cannot pay for the food, i was just kind of wondering. So please tall me how much they eat, and if you want, you can put in your advice. Thanks.|||Because Mastiff's have a lower energy level they require less food to maintain a good weight. However, it depends on how active a dog is, the type of food being fed, etc. I'd say to expect anywhere between 100-150 a month in dog food. I have three dogs, two eat 2 cups twice a day, and the small one gets 1/4 cup twice a day. My dog food his high quality and costs around 60 dollars a bag, and I have to buy two bags a month. My boss owns three mastiffs, and she says her English Mastiffs eat roughly 4 cups a day a piece. Remember, it depends on the type of food, and the energy level. Higher energy breeds like mine require more food to maintain their weight.

Bassets by nature will eat themselves into oblivion, and have a tendency to pack on the pounds if their portions aren't strictly monitored. I think you're looking a very little difference in cost, but it depends.

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