Saturday, October 1, 2011

What ingredients are in processed junk food that makes it so unhealthy?

And are these type of foods harder to burn off in your daily food consumption then whole or organic foods? Its hard living in America and watching what you eat when most food here is not authentic.|||MSG (Monosodium glutamate) Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup (which is worse than regular corn syrup, but they are both awful for your body.) Any preservatives, canola oil, soybean oil, (or any hydrogenated oils,) Food coloring, refined sugars etc....

(which if the ingredients say sugar, most of the time it is refined sugar.) But it's more than just the ingredients, there are certain processes they put the food through that are unhealthy because it is taking the food from the natural state to an unnatural state which your body is not meant to break down. It is very hard on your body and your body becomes toxic because of the chemical reactions from the processes and the ingredients that should not be mixed together. These ingredients are harder to burn off in your daily consumption because they make your metabolism slow down, and then when you eat other food it takes longer for you body to go through the process of breaking it down, which makes you gain weight, (or become obese after so many years of eating crappy) That is why you see so many obese Americans, because their diet is mostly fast foods, and all fast foods contain these ingredients listed above. There is a gland called the hypothalamus gland, and if you consume high fructose corn syrup or any of the ingredients that I listed above (there are many more)

the hypothalamus gland gets confused or overtaxed I should say, which the hypothalamus is the gland that helps your metabolism to speed up, so when you consume these awful ingredients the hypothalamus gets over taxed and metabolism slows down and you start gaining weight and/or eventually become obese like the average American. If you want more information you can go read about this in a book called the weight loss cure by Kevin Trudeau, it is a great book I think that you would enjoy it!

Hope that this helped!|||Lots of fat, sugar, salt, and preservatives.

The fats are often saturated (the worst kind), the sugars and salt in high concentrations, and the preservatives simply aren't good for you in general.

It's not a question of "burning them off," it's a question of stressing your digestive system. Processed food have been shown to lead to higher incidences of cancer of the colon.

It is not hard to watch what you eat, it is just more expensive. Cheap, factory produced food is far faster than fresh, but fresh costs so much more in time and money, people go for the bad stuff.|||Various chemicals, trans fats, hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup, additives, colors, artifical anything, lots of salt, lots of sugars, very little fiber and very little (if any) nutrients.

Eating the crap is okay in moderation but the problem comes from people being too lazy or too busy to eat healthy food along with it.|||hydrogenated oils is the worst ingredient which gives processed junk long shelf life.

why is it hard to eat whole foods?.

grocery stores carry meat,poultry,fish,dairy,vegetables and fruit.

no one is making people buy processed foods.

i can't afford orgainic but i can afford to eat non processed foods. but i will occasionally eat junk too.

//S is right. high fructose corn syrup is also very bad. both causing obesity,empty nutrition,and messing up a persons insulin response.|||I don't know about food, but I know that a lot of drinks have High Fructose Corn Syrup in them, %26amp; that's very bad for you. Also, most junk food have lots of Calories in them, which is horrible if you want to get fit.

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